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a question of age

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Headley | 10:20 Thu 20th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
59) A type of fishing net (6) Must have the word "age" in answer
I have googled and googled even went into a scrabble site to see if I could find a word. All I can come up with is dragnet. too many letters


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tHANKYOU LADYALEX Could you tell me where you found this imformation for future puzzles. Thankyou once again.
OK, but you must promise to keep it a secret.......

Onelook dictionary search
or Chambers Word Wizard

These two sites are marvellous for crosswords and puzzles.

If you want to know about sagene in particular, you can find it in The Phrontistery
Question Author
Thankyou once again Ladyalex, will keep it secret te he!!!!! but have added the site to my favourites.

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a question of age

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