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MarkRae !

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NoMercy | 22:14 Thu 27th May 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Como estás, guapo ?


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ha-ha Mark, you still have it then x
Boa noite, HB ... x
no entiendo :o/
no entiendo lo que dijeste no hablo Espanol
Agus 's e oidhche mhath bhuam a th'ann, HB
About 11.
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Buenas noches, JJ. x
Why can i inderstand written Spanish but cant bleeding speak it-its a handicap seriously !!
Must try harder -what you think ¿

Ha ha -just put that last bit in so I could ¿

(Im better when im there to be honest but still pidgen )

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MarkRae !

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