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vicky b - woman of the people

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joggerjayne | 20:17 Fri 28th May 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
vicky nbeckham says -

when she was first with david, he could only afford to f;y tp to paris on a 2 seater plane with propellers;

the only private plnene you can afford has PROPELLERS ??????

OH MY GOD !!!! ... how very essex !!!

victoria beckham ... truly a woman of the people !!!!!!!!!!!!


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Question Author
this i s from todaty's guardian
okay, who's been messing with your keyboard? lol!
lmao - I like that it is also in the Guardian hehehehe
Question Author
sorry, its abit crap tonight
If David and Vicky occupied the two seats who did the piloting?
Question Author
no, skiny man was flying to e=see vicky i think, and she thought he was crap becos he came om a plane that wansnt a jet, or something
Question Author
vb was in paris already i think
Im not sure Vicky B is big enough to occupy a seat anyways =)
Prop planes are a bit de classe. She'd every right to be annoyed, showing the family up like that.
Question Author
maybe shes right

actually, to cherter a plane id net tht much really.

so maybe shes right !!!!!!!!
JJ-I have the same prob with my keyboard at times :)
Question Author
but igf volcano thoing goes off, propeller planes are still flting, so maybe they are best planes
I never fly other than Ryanair or Easyjet.. It's quite an eye opener to see how the other half travel.
you are starting to type like mollykins ... :o
True.Which wine did you pop tonight?;)
Question Author
lo .

i fly easeyjet all the time. my bf lives abroad. easyjet are great.but not ryanaur, because theycharge si many unexpected extrasl.
I blame the crack cocaine..
Question Author
Oh my god ... what was this all about ???



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vicky b - woman of the people

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