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who sang this? help!!!!!

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booboo67 | 21:26 Fri 01st Sep 2006 | Music
10 Answers
think the song was from 1984 think it was called roses and it went kinda like this.................
then you dont bring me roses
then you dont bring me flowers

any one know who sang it?
boo x


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It was a duet, Neil Diamond and Barbera Streisand.
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hi boo(good name......must of been why i couldnt have it!)
no its not that one its a jazz funk kinda record

tks tho
keep thinkin!!!!!!!!!!
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it goes further.......................
then you dont bring me flowers
then you dont bring me roses
then you dont bring me flowers
walking around for hours.............
Only just noticed your name (DOHHH @ me!)

I can't find nowt else other than the one I've already mentioned- sure you got year right? Jazz/funk in the 80's???

good luck!
if the lyrics are:-
"Then you go give me roses
Then you go give me flowers
Then you go give me roses
What do I do?
Then you go give me roses
Talk and talk for hours
Then you go give me roses
When all I want is you"
then the song is Haywoode - Roses, a hit in april 1985
Long shot since it was later than you said and different lyrics (!) but it seemed worth a try - Spin Doctors, Two Princes
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thats it mushroom
thank you

i thought it was ashford!!!!!!

tks alot
i finally found it
it is called 'roses' and it's by sid haywoode
i will attach a link above because even if you type the correct names it is still hard to find.
hope this helps !!!
thankz !@#$%^&*()*&^%$#$%^&*()

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who sang this? help!!!!!

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