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sorry, but wheres the proof?? it all sounds like circumstantial evidence to me
For the love of God.....................!! :o(
Hi, guys x x x

Sorry ... I don't normally go out on a Tuesday, but a pal needed a drinking buddy.

So, whooah ... I LOVE the Daily Mail, and it's Mickey Mouse view of the World.

Daily Mail: "Amanda chops off hair" (inferring she's a bit nuts)

Reality: In a hostile Italian prison, hair grooming products may be a bit hard to come by (to say the least), so a shorter cut is quite sensible.

Daily Mail: "Amanda is suffering bouts of depression"

Reality: She is in prison for a murder she did not commit - that's a bit depressing!

Daily Mail: "Amanda slandered the Italian Police"

Reality: Only in an oppressive, authoritarian State like Italy do they have a rule where a Defendant cannot defend herself. If you criticise your prosecutors, we will charge you with slander!!

But, hang on ... wasn't Amanda Knox's chief prosecutor convicted in January this year of falsifying evidence, and perverting the course of justice? Oh, yes ... so he was!!! But hey, this is not a modern society - this is Italy ... a nation that believes that the Pope, who hides paedophiles, is the messenger of God.

So, hey guys at the Daily Mail ... you stick with your paedophile loving, corrupt, evidence-faking, mediaeval Italian, kiddy fiddling, dirty perverts.

Personally ... I'm standing by Amanda.

Because ... she is INNOCENT !!



(oops, sorry ... left the CAPS lock on !)
How can you know that she is innocent, surely it is just a matter of opinion seeing as none of us were there?!
Oooh, golly ... sorry ... that was a bit of a rant, wasn't it.


(note to self - stop checking on AB when you come home trolleyed)

Thank you for the link, MissC ... x

Sorry for the rant.


JJ x x x
Question Author
That's ok JJ, I remembered that you were a 'fan'. It's fine to be passionate about something. I thought she looked so different without her hair, didn't recognise her to be honest.
futher to the rant I think jj would still "do her"
I'm sorry ... ... "do" her ???

I prefer the comic book capers of The Mirror.
lol jayne, had a feeling you would be online to reply...
Garmard ... nobody reads the Mirror !

And only curmugeonly old grumps read the Mail.
She hasn't got piercing blue eyes......
Doh! I read The Mail daily.

You didn't need to guess if I was on line.

My name was in the Recent Posts list, on the blood donor thread.
so coy about your feelings about knoxy now jayne?


And your point ?


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F.A.O Jogger Jayne

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