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Come and sit with me and have a cuppa and a slice of cake, and tell me what I should

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merciasounds | 15:09 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
spend my tax rebate on...


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how much ya got?
If it's a lot put it towards a holiday? If not so much, buy more teabags and biscuits?
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In this economic climate mercia you may be able to buy a punnet of shitaake (sp)mushrooms and half a pound of sausage. Lovely cake by the way.
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I don't need clothes....and I'm not a shoe/handbag/hat person....I've already spent a fortune on the garden this year filling the space where we had the tree dug out...the church have their 10%.....
I think you should invite us all round for a slap up meal :o)
Spend it on a nice Holiday in UK mercia and spoil yourself !
You give a tithe to the Church? Well done! Put the rest towards your next holiday
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I'm already in a book club, and being a music producer my hubby gets me all the music I want...
The weather is nice now, so go to M&S and get loads of their best pre-prep food and some Pimms No 1 and enjoy your newly done garden! If you have nowhere to sit get a patio set as well, enjoy!!
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I don't know whether to send mum and dad to Paris for the weekend and give them 300 euro's spending money, or one of those posh hotels where you can get spa treatments. I shall get myself a new coffee maker I think....
sending your mom and dad on a trip sounds like the best idea
Sometimes its nice to be generous witha windfall... grab yourself a few more treats than a coffee maker though and cut their spending money a little bit, or hold some back tell them to get photos done while they are away and get the best one blown up and framed so you will be reminded of the nice thing you did with the money
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Come and sit with me and have a cuppa and a slice of cake, and tell me what I should

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