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Old Stock?

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mrs.chappie | 17:19 Wed 02nd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I've been clearing my kitchen cupboards out and I've found a box of green tea with a Use By date of 2005. Has anyone found anything older than that in their cupboard?


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A duster. ;0)
I bought a bottle of washing up liquid from a select and save a few weeks ago and the use by date was 1998
that's amazing. OH and I have been making a concerted effort to run down our freezer and there has been all sorts of stuff that has been in there for yonks. Not sure I could top 1998 or 2005 though. But getting pretty near. And when we've defrosted the stuff and used it, it's been brilliant. And as we had bought it such a long time ago, we could consider it a free meal!
clearing out my dads cupboards....i found two things that were from 1999..... ick!
I love rooting through my elderly parents bathroom cabinet. It contains a cream prescribed for god-knows-what in my name dated April 1985. Why on earth is it still there?

LOL my parents whole house is a museum of my youth. Until recent years my Dad would unearth a plastic toy soldier buried in the garden by me back in 70s. I keep them all. Maybe I'm a chip off the old block?
A packet (unopened) of Tesco Finest Mocha Sidamo Roast & Ground Coffee - use by 31 October 2005. Better chuck it out quick before OH sees it & swears blind it'll be OK cos we haven't opened it yet - errr!
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Thanks for replies folks.

Lardhelmet, I'd give that coffee a go - it might have matured. [:o)
Old coffee makes a good dye.

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Old Stock?

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