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The Other Bobjugs12

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bobjugs12 | 22:47 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Just been looking through SAB and the other Bobjugs seems like quite a decent bloke. Any idea who it is?


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No it's honestly not me posting there. Somebody has copied and cloned me over there
Have they got the hots for NoM too?
i was having a bit of banter with them, i think i know who it is
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You gonna spill steg?
no bob, as i'm not 100% sure(maybe 99%)

are you bothered about it bob?
is it Mollykins?
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Not really, no lol.

However, he has claimed to be serving, which some people may find offensive (it is also illegal) so he can keep up the game just steer away from that bit
no lol
i don't think you would know them anyway bob
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SAB is nothing to do with AB anymore, the techies traded it for a bulk delivery of sticky notes and a framed picture of AB towers they had left in the snug.
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Oh I'm often sitting there nursing a gill of sweet cider and just watching the to-ings and fro-ings lol,
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Bob's alter ego also lols alot....NOT like bob at all....
might be a clown....or a woman.

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The Other Bobjugs12

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