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Compost question

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joeluke | 08:15 Thu 03rd Jun 2010 | Gardening
4 Answers
I put eggshells in my compost bin but is it still ok to put eggshells from hard-boiled eggs on there too?

Am asking this because I read that you shouldn't put cooked food in a compost bin, and hard-boiled eggs when opened have a thin white membrane on the inside of the shell


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I have stopped putting eggshells in our compost bins because a year later, they are still there! Calcium doesn't break down, and the membrane will be protein-based. We don't put anything protein in there either these days, and have stopped putting rice and pasta in too, since we have a risk of rats round here.
We put all egg-shells in our compost, cooked or not - we think it is only cooked FOOD that you perhaps should not.
save your eggshells separately and when they have dried out crush them and put them round plants like hostas and dahlias to help deter slugs
Crushed eggshells are ok to put in compost as they add lime to it.

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