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Friday night disaster

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joggerjayne | 21:59 Fri 04th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
So, you've been to the pub ...

... had a few drinks ...

... and eaten ...

... and then all your pals have gone home.


It's only 10.00 !!

And it's Friday ... !!!!!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG ... what happens in these situations ?


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Now I really don't know what to say, Hels ... !!

I was hoping for a night at the casino.

I'm tempted to wander along on my own.
Go jayne, you never know and the night is young.
Go out alone, I would if I could
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Errrm ... that's what I meant too, red.


I was SO psyched up for a night's Blackjack.

Now I'm all deflated.
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Greedyfly ... why can't you ????
Just had suregry on my ankle recently - been housebound on and off for well over a year and a half =( Better soon I hope.
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I hope so too, Greedy ... !

x x x
Thanks, I hope your evening brings you some fun!
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Not looking promising, Greedy.


What did you do to your ankle?
Broke it in 4 places - bad break, lots of surgery - long winded, bored stiff lol
Question Author
OMG ... that's quite serious on a load bearing joint.

I hope you're recovering !!

Is it very crass to ask how you broke it ?
Not at all - daft really. Walking home from a night out - sober I might add, stepped off the curb slipped on black ice on the road and tried to right myself - heard the snap, damn painful.
Hey JJ, just being nosy really . . . I was reading one of your answers to another post and wondered what you do for a job? Have you got your own law practice or something completely different? x
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MissCommando ...

I did law for a media law firm in London, and I didn't like it. I hated the boring paperwork and, to be honest, I was greedy. I wanted more money. So, I work freelance for fashion companies arranging media launches.

If we still had our jobs on our passports, I'd have to put "media agent" and then everyone would think of Max Clifford, LOL.

It's not the most intellectually stimulating job in the world, but it pays a lot better than the law, and I have plenty of time to play on AB, LOL.
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I am going to compound the Friday Night Disaster by being a total lightweight saddo, and sloping off to bed.

Goodnight, everyone.

Be good !!!

x x x
Goodnight JJ. You always make me smile.
Thanks for answering. I love to know people's jobs. You've obviously worked very hard. Sounds like an interesting job - you remind me more and more of Samantha from SATC!

Hope you manage to stay out a bit later tonight lol

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Friday night disaster

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