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Is it sacrilege...

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NoMercy | 21:14 Sun 06th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
... to pour lemonade into a Glayva?

I just fancied a long drink.


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no more sacrilege than if you pour lemonade into a river
Question Author
Oh Steggy my dear chap, how would you suggest I serve my Glayva?
in a glass with a little bit of ice
Oooooh ... Glayva ...

Last time I had one (err ... several) of those was in the lobby bar at the Gatwick Hilton, before we went skiing last year.

Now I really fancy a Glayva.
or if you are a loon, swig from the bottle
ps. I'd say the answer was "No" ...

Glayva is quite sweet, and sticky, and should go okay with lemonade.
"loon" means ... Liverpudlian?
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I haven't quite plummeted to those depths, Steg.. so won't be swigging from the bottle anytime soon. I'm inclined to agree with you on the neat over ice serving suggestion, though.

JJ... I bought myself a bottle just before Christmas and put it in my nan's drinks cabinet, flew to Spain and forgot all about it.
jj a loon is a male from aberdeen!
It is jolly when you find a bottle of something nice that you'd forgotten you had.

Daddy has the same experience ... but in reverse.

After I've been round, he finds he does not, in fact, have bottles of nice things ...

... even though he felt sure he had a few left.

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Have you been trashing Daddy and Momba's wine collection again, JJ?
I like to keep my own stocks topped up.

Arrrrgh! Yes! But then again, I never was one to abide by the rules. ;o)
Oh dear, oh dear,oh dear..thats as bad as people that mix whiskey with orange or anything else for that matter. Anyone for a fine Malt?
Yes please.
As far as I can recall I have never tasted Glayva but if it is sweet then possibly it would do better with soda water.
orange and cheap bells are a perfect combo. but a fine malt well thats a different matter
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If it's any consolation, the Glayva and Lemon combo was pretty dire. I'm going to have to have a voddy to get over it...

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