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England's World Cup squad

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joggerjayne | 10:07 Tue 08th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
The backbone of the starting line-up should be ...

In goal ... Paul Robinson

Defence ... Rio Ferdinand

Midfield ... Wayne Bridge

Attack ... Theo Walcott


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Are they putting that lump Heskey in again?
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Yes, I think so.
None of them have made it though JJ so we will have to go with the ones in the 23 man squad. Will we win it, well maybe......
Heskey in....and I bet he gets a start over peter crouch despite Bambi's better score rate...
I'm as patriotic as the next man but my head says we won't win it because:

We simply ain't good enough
We will wilt in the hot temperatures and thin air conditions
What is it with Heskey always being in the damn sqad?! Maybe it's me and I just can't see his merit, it's not like I follow the football every week really....
They play Heskey to keep Rooney happy as Rooney likes playing alongside him.
But playing with grannies keeps Rooney happy and I'm not entirely convinced we should indulge that either.... ;0)
rio's out he;'s injured JJ tut, don't you see the news?

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England's World Cup squad

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