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♫Going to the chapel, la-la-la-la ♫

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Bobbisox | 10:15 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
It's a cool day but a bright one for the Family Wedding...(groannnnnnn)
sister in laws that don't speak to each other,nieces who don't speak to Aunties..
should be a good day...LOL
Bobbi ♥


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Have a great day. You'll know it's time to leave the reception when the plates and glasses start flying.
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Morning Sandy
great innit...ha-ha
Hi Bobbisox ! Have a good day today. What kind of reception are you having, Sit down Menu or Buffet ? Are you having evening do as well with Disco and drinking contests ! :-).....Joy to get carried home
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not sure
we are going to a Christening too, so we will give the wedding disco a miss me thinks, our god daughters baby is being christened today also, we couldn.t go to two churches so the family wedding won, but we will go on later
Busy day ahead Joy especially when you are trying to do your best for everyone concerned. At least the weather should hold up ok which helps. You'll have an enjoyable day no matter what.....
Good morning Bobbi - have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine - bet you look a bobby dazzler x
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hi Sis, hope your'e well, just painting me toe
Not Ravishing Red ?
As ttfn says Bobbi, you'll look a dazzler ! Have fun.....
Question Author
a very demure sivery pink I 'll have you know
thanks red, I will try,
hope I don't come in here tonight and ramble, when I am full of the jungle juice he-he
If there is a good footie result tonight you might be the best behaved in comparison. I shall notice of course being of demure and sober character
Question Author
♫It's just a perfect day♫
wedding, christening and Engerlanddddddddddddd
bring it on!

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♫Going to the chapel, la-la-la-la ♫

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