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Some Day Off!

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poodicat | 09:11 Tue 15th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I am sitting here waiting for a chap to come and measure up my kitchen for new units,any time up to 12 then i have to go on diabetic training for 1.30pm till 4pm,the sun is shining and i am stuck indoors....


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Good morning poodi - what a day to stay indoors. I think we have all had times like that. I hope the chap doesn't take all morning. At least you have something nice to look forward to - a new kitchen sounds very good. Fingers crossed for you
Why is it that when somebody says between 8 + 12 it's always near to 12 than 8?
With the exception of a bed delivery by Argos mine always lean to the 11th hour too sandy.
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Morning ttfn,chappie in now meauring up the kitchen,so will pop out for a hour or so until i have to go for the training
Pleased to hear it poodi. (:-))
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Talk about a waste of money,i only got the doors replaced a year or so ago,so i thought the chap would say,just new work tops and a new sink,nope i am getting it all changed,more money than sense....
Well you work hard so I think you have earned the right to spend your money poodi. Rather you than me though when you have to empty all your kitchen cupboards of their contents. Better keep the take away menus handy (:-))
How did the training go poodi?
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Ok,just the written work,but heyho will be giving injections of insulin in the near future
Hi poodicat, how are you? I hate waitng for people as I'm dead impatient.
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Hi haysi,you arent on here that often,what have you been up too?
Och poodicat I don't get much time to get online tbh but still like to have a wee looksee at Chatterbank :P
Hi Poodi nice to know that your training is going Ok..Whenever I go for my blood test my arm looks like a dartboard, always end up black and blue.
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hi askmygran,dont relish having another string to my bow,but one of our guys has developed diabetes
Have you tried smiling at the phlebotomist gran? ☺

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