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how much would it cost to send a small package to denmark?

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lotsafun | 17:32 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
its a nintendo ds to be exact.


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How much does it weigh?
I don't know how much it will be but the recipient may have to pay import duties when collecting it.
I posted a camera flash unit to Rhodes last week and it cost £10.00.
There's a small packets rate but if the item is worth over £41 it's worth sending it secure/signed for.They tell you this at the counter.
If you want to send it normally it could cost as little as £2,I sent a light meter to Spain for £1.97.
Depends on weight and if you want to guarantee it's safe delivery.
No import duties, Denmark is in the European Union.

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how much would it cost to send a small package to denmark?

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