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ummmm | 14:34 Mon 21st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
My Grandad is a millionaire....He'd made it clear that I'm getting F all.....would it bother you?

It don't bother me :-)


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If my parents predecease me, my estate goes to my pals ...

(except for the chunks taken by the effing Government).
donkey sanctuary?
Who was that to, Bigfoot?
Question Author goes to his kids. I don't want it or expect it....

He has more money than sense.

Actually....I take Nan down to see him. Nothing, But if I take one of my kids.....he has a wallet party..
I made a reference to it...............substitute cat/dog's home, etc.
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Do you remember him Jack??
Vaguely, if I'm honest.
When it was the smaller version of the pub, it was mainly Nancy on duty, as I recall.
And after it was extended it was basically Gary and Ann..........and you pesky kids !! ;o)
As Jth said jj it was a reference to a comment made earlier and not a comment towards your friends! Lol.
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Yes....Hughie was on 'day' duty....Nancy was 'afternoon'

He sat in the 'backroom' and read his papers....

Nan done evenings.....she was a special lady...still is :-)
I'd rather he spent it on enjoying himself.
Nope - if he doesn't think enough of you to leave you anything when he's gone then I wouldn't even contemplate him enough to be bothered to be honest.
Lol, no heres me, Im still trying to work out how to use this as my avatar?

OOps wrong thread!
i cant believe you still have grandparents!!! Mine all died off when I was in my early twenties!!!
My Mum gave me and my sister some of my Grans money when she went into a home - so it wasnt all eaten up by the Nursing Home fees... so we got about £5000 each... which was kind of her.
Does it not bother you because you are already a billionaire?
It wouldnt bother me either ummm. if they want to keep their money to themselves then cest le vie.
hi ummmmm, trying to imagine yr grandad being the harry enfield character " loads of money" and pushing wads of notes into yr face, and shouting LOADS OF MONEY!!

I never even gave it a thought i'd inherit anything from my Grandparents so it obviously didnt bother me.
My parents have made the same provision in that if I predecease them the inheritance goes to my children (someone mentioned that).
Im now of the opinion that im gonna listen to my kids and bugger having loads of equity in a house for them to inherit and reap the benefits of my hard work so im seriously thinking of selling the house in Scotland and buying a wee flat and enjoying myself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact I may even slip them a few quid for them to enjoy now :)
seems perfectly normal, really: you look after your kids (if you want to); looking after *their* kids is their job. My grandfather fell out with his son - my father - so Dad got nothing, and I got £50, probably to spite him. It didn't seem to worry Dad at all.

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