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Specialist subject 'The bleedin' obvious'?

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lankeela | 20:24 Sun 27th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
From SKy news:

"Some fans leaving the game in Bloemfontein put the blame on the players and the manager"


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So the ball got away scot free after being under suspicion before the world cup started?
That is just so funny - there ought to be a prize for that, bring back Colemanballs.
bf don't mention scot - i did earlier but not sure if i got away with it
Just some? Noone leaning towards Mick Jaggar then?
Are you saying that micks lips may have interfered with the balls airflow ultimately leading to our demise dot?
I think he was a bad omen, he watched the USA last night too.

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Specialist subject 'The bleedin' obvious'?

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