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Positive Discrimination

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Gromit | 10:32 Mon 28th Jun 2010 | News
21 Answers
Should the next England Football manager be an Englishman just because of his ethnicity, or the best man for the job?

(No English manager has ever won the English Premiership since its inception).


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Keep Capello. He has now experienced losing a tournament, he should be better capable of winning one. And it'll save millions to keep him.

We were very good in qualifying under Capello so we have to look at what was different between qualifying and the tournament itself. A number of things seem obvious!

If Capello is to be replaced, it should be with someone who has won a tournament - European Championships or World Cup - or at least taken a team to the final. And they should be able to speak English fluently. Maybe a German ...

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Positive Discrimination

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