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what a muggy day

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berniecuddles | 16:28 Wed 30th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
i am sweating buckets got all the windows open no breeze, nil!!
got fan on making me even hotter!!
need a good storm to clear the air, its getting a bit cloudy here in bean, might cool down later!!
hate it when its like this do you??


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I hate it when its hot to be honest. I like it warm or cold. Hot irritates me. We do need a good storm!
Going to break here in the NW tomorrow apparently :-(

personally, I love this weather, I could quite happily cope with it right through until September.
I am telling you it always rains on my birthday - Tomorrow there will be rain and hopefully a storm to go with! =)
I'm so brown I keep scaring myself when I look in the mirror...!!
I don't think it's ever rained on mine.
I hate the muggy weather, playing golf you get covered in flies :S
-- answer removed --
Not muggy here in Dover, sun is blazing down again, lovely!
Here, stand in a bowl of Icecubes, grate loads of polystyrene, put your fan on full and watch this!

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