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£20 Notes

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carlton23 | 06:15 Sat 03rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Has anyone mentioned that these notes with the composer Elgar on the back are no longer legal currency, and that banks will only accept them for a month. I just thought I`d mention it in case you have thousands tucked away under the mattress or floorboards. Have a nice day yo`all.


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hi bill,
yep, ive already taken my millions in to be changed, tut, was such a chore counting them all out ...... all 3 of them ....... siiiiigh ..... ;o)
how are ya? hope youre well and enjoying your weekend!
i only found out last week and i thought it was 6 months not 1
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Hi looobydoll, nice to see see you would be nice. I`m fine, and after sorting mine, I had to take £4,220 old ones to the post office and now I`ve got to draw them out again to hide back in my secret hidyhole with the legal lot. Wellll, you don`t want them to know what you`ve got do you? But shushhhh, don`t tell anyone, it`s between you and me, eh??? How`s the weather in Warwickshire, its cloudy here at the mo?
ok, mums the word bill .... but only if you let me help you draw out and let me share that lovely hefty stash of notes with you! lol

im well thank you,

and its lovely and bright and sunshiney here in warwickshire
They have been withdrawn from issue and are being withdrawn from circulation BUT they are still legal tender and stores can if they choose to be arsey refuse them but most big stores would not upset customers by doing so and will probably accept them for some weeks as yet.

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£20 Notes

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