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supersuezy24 | 14:44 Sun 04th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I think some people are put on this planet to purely get on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arrrrggggggghhhhhhh angry Sue!!!

*deep breaths*

Hi Everyone :)
How is your Sunday going?
I'm being suffocated by garlic!!! Jesus!!!

Is it too early to start drinking?haha


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I'll need a lie down suezy otherwise i'll get out of breath ! lol
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Hahah Redman..Lardy..Send em my way please :)

Bobbi, has that guy been caught?
By the time we have finished snogging suezy we'll have lips like Mick Jagger !
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Agh no can't be having that..Botox maybe??haha
no ss he's still on the run I believe, Bills watching the tennis so haven't seen any update
This shall make you chuckle - have a watch and then decided if you still hate garlic!

same problem here ,, housemate did lunch there can't be a vampire for 20 miles

Well I haven't seen any so it must be working. the werewolves are driving me nuts though....

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