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Hey, guys ... who's around

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joggerjayne | 20:19 Mon 05th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just got back.

Anyone want to play ?


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Yogi ?
Where you been, JJ?
Question Author
Oh, nowhere exciting, Stewey. Just in the town.
You should have stayed downtown: I would have bought you a drink:)
Question Author
Aww, thanks Stewey.

Hi jj.

I've been in from work about 45 minutes (Nice little 3 - 8 shift - rushed off my poor, aching feet). Had something to eat and now watching Sam Rockwell in the film Moon.
Question Author
Sounds like a nice chill, JN x
Hi jj u delight from brighton,first day back at the gym for me, i am fooked!!

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Hey, guys ... who's around

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