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One for the ladies . . .

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DebsyDoo | 00:17 Mon 08th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

Have you heard of "Dichroic" glass jewelry ?

If so, do you like/own any ?

(this is for market research purposes)

Cheers x


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No I have never heard of it Debs, does it retail in the UK?
hi debsydoo
never heard of the jewelry,so had a look its not to my taste and i would`nt wear it,
oh I've had a look now and i have got some very similar jewellry that my son's ex GF made, she has made lots like that i think, i have an orange set and a turquoise set. It is great to take on holiday as it matches alot of my holiday clothes.
Question Author
Thanx for your opinion Khoey !

Check it out Dot at : 9

I am thinking of making/selling it here in the UK !

What do you think ?
Question Author
Ah, so you know what it is now ?

(dunno if I accidentally put a space in the address - between the 1&9 ?)

I especially like the pink one !
You find a lot of that at craft fairs. I would speak to other makers and ask how it sells before investing. Most craftspeople face the problem of people wanting something for nothing.
Question Author
Thanx Pastie, that's exactly what I need - some feedback !
I think it's really nice, but need other people's views !
Hi Debsy...i have a few lovely pieces of dichroic glass jewellery - pendants. I bought them at a craft fair...very reasonably priced and very pretty. I would say go for could sell them on ebay and craft fairs etc. Nice one you =- hope u do well with it. x
My gosh..just looked at the prices..even converting to ��...they are quite expensive...I have usually seen for much less.
I used to make and sell s tough...but fun.
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Thanx 20SC,
My daughter & I are thinking of doing it between us, I could make it (with my many years of experience in the electronics game, I have the manual dexterity) and she designs websites, plus lives in LA, where we think we could sell it - cos it looks "sparkly" (& they love all that out there!)
Absolutely've got a good team then. UK, LA, and from what i remember you / hubby travel around a lot from country to country, so that's many selling places, yea? I guess you can even make specific bespoke pieces for people - litttle boutiques and independent run shops may be interested etc...and with your daughter living in LA, i think it should go well. I bought my pieces because they were pretty, sparkly and unusual.... and i guess others will do the same. :-) Let us know how you progress.
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Thanx 20SC !!
I may need someone to run the Milan office . . . !!! Lol !

Yeah Pastie, that's the thing, I've found a source of reasonably priced "stock" which I know I could put together !

If you have experience in jewelry making . . . .!!! Lol !

(That's two members of staff sorted !!) Hee Hee !
Evening ladies , has anyone got any food in here ?
Question Author
No, all the choc buttons gone, but I may have an opening in my Paris store . . . ??? Lol !
It's ok now Debsy hun , I've found some chocolate in another thread xxx
Debsy....any openings in the Amsterdam area? I could manage that....i'm thinking that the punters there will always be attracted by pretty shiny things after partaking of a few space cakes..... lol lol
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Oh, Okay - go on then - bu99er off !!!

You only want me for my goodies !

I just ate a big dish of jelly & pineapple !!!

All to myself !
-- answer removed --

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One for the ladies . . .

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