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bloody helicopters overhead, can't hear yourself

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Bobbisox | 10:55 Fri 09th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
The Mod is now looking for the mad gunman...
they can shoot to kill can't they?


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Oh yes, and they will.
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hopefully salla, don't give a stuff about 'fair trial' rubbish!
Yes they can
oops bit slow there!!
I wonder if he is anyway nearby, being helped by someone..
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Morning babes, I would think someone is helping him, there was a massive armed police presence at Newcastle Crown Court yesterday
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catchya laters folks
I haven't heard a single thing about this aside from on here. What is going on?
Hopefully they'll catch him before he gets the chance to take his own life; being in prison isnt what he wants. Obviously his 16 week sentence sent him over the edge.

I'm hoping he'll break into the wrong house and have a rottweiler attached to his bits and a baseball bat around the head before spending the rest of his pathetic life in prison.
I doubt he'll come out of this alive...
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bloody helicopters overhead, can't hear yourself

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