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F.A.O Rowanwitch

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Greedyfly | 14:45 Fri 09th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Do I remember rightly that you work for the NHS?

I have been offered yet another interview and would reeeeeally like to get this job. It is an admin based role which I would imagine is grade 1/2. Basically working in records etc...

I don't think myself to be stupid or bad at interviewing but I have had around 6/7 interviews so far at my local hospitals and each one I have been rejected. Each one I have asked for pointers and whether I did well and each time told that I interviewed well.

I have a list of tips given to me from my last interview which I will follow but what else would you suggest I do/say to get a shoe in for the job? Any tips I would be most grateful for. I really want to get in over there so I can start my uni course alongside.

Thanks GF x


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I get that, nothing wrong with my interviews at all. just always someone that bit more qualified :-(
Have been given a list of loads of jobs I HAVE to apply for by job centre, some are just stupid, not enough hours, miles away etc. Now I have tried to apply and not get the job I bet I get an interview.
There will probably be a question about why you want to work for the nHS...unless you will be front line with a lot of patient contact inthe specific job concentrate more on a) preferring to work in the public sector because you value the service the hospital/clinic et provides to the local community and you want to be part of a successfl organisatiom
2) that the health service has a good record for valuing its employees and you see the role as a first step about self development plans e.g courses and how you see them benefitting the organisation,
3) you may be asked about the possible impact of health service cut a grade 1/2 your role is to give value for money by working efficiently and effectively and supporting others within the team. Stress that you are flexible and adaptable as they may need people they can move to other jobs later
4) if you are asked about your strengths and weaknesses your strengths are self discipline, attention to detail, and being a good team player...your weaknesses are you worry about getting things right, and you have set yourself too high a standard in the past but you are more realistic now
Be aware of any specific changes coming up where you work.... they may ask general questions

if they ask scenario questions they are likely to be about how would you deal with a request for a record that has 'gone missing' the answer is to let the person know there is a problem asap while continuing to try to trace it and seek advice from a senior member of the team as to the correct procedure.
At that level you won't be expected to think too much for yourself but know when to refer upwards,

Hope that helps
Question Author
Thanks Rowan I will read though and take heed. I am beginning to think I am unemployable lol. Before I was made redundant I had been offered every job I had ever applied for.

I will prepare and try not to screw it up.
Have to say I have been turned down again myself today...but there were complicated circumstances
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Sorry to hear that. It seems hard to get into the hospital here. Every time its either internal app has got it or there was someone more experienced. Which is fair enough but I really wan to work there =)
Fingers crossed for are obviously bright and good with words and care about is just a matterof time
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Thanks... I will get there in the end.
Good Luck to you both.

Kind Regards
China Doll

(I'm a PA).
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Thanks China PA NHS London

If you also have tips please join in.... I can do with all the help I can get =)
There are a lot of NHS workers on here....
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It would seem so. I know it will be stressful etc... But I am used to it and the pro's far outweigh the cons for me right now. It will suit me perfectly right now. Plus I am looking into uni for a pharmacy position and this will be my foot in the door.
I think that the NHS gets bad press and it is, mostly, undeserved.

I have an excellent GP practice - both GP and nurses are friendly and efficient. My psychiatrist works from a community mental health facility and have been there when I needed them.

I hope both of you get the jobs that you want.

PS My two cats have a better service than the NHS - but at a cost!

Thats because you pay directly rather than indirectly....
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I am the first to admit my private surgery was a far better experience than my NHS surgeries but they do what they can. They do work their butts off and try their best what more can we ask of them?
Rowan's given you a really great answer so I can't really add much more other than to ensure you have fully read the person spec and job description and if you can pick up a few things from those that you demonstrate practical examples of you doing or being in a similar situation, then that's pretty good too.

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