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Well it's either start drinking in the house or

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Mick-Talbot | 20:29 Sat 10th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
get an hobby.

what do you recommend?


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home brewing
I've nothing to recommend but I do both
Get a hobby Mick, drinking makes you fat and lazy and not in full command of your senses, and it's addictive so I'm told....... .. hic.
I like Bibble's suggestion, it combines the two!
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you could drink and use the cans to build an extension or be artistic http://shipwrightsarm.../dog-of-beer-cans.jpg
Cant be arsed with the booze half the time -was thinking of getting a chinese delivered but ive got grill sticks -decisions decisons ??

Plus ive got bean sprouts and mixed stir fry veg and king prawns for stir fry and ive just convinced myself as i love prawns more than CB (lol) im having a stir fry :)
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i'm having a stir crazy.

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Well it's either start drinking in the house or

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