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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 04:49 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Welcome to wet Wednesday. It won't make the slightest difference though if they don't mend those leaking pipes, we'll still be told we can't use a hosepipe.

Have a happy day everyone.


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" asda typo
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Thst'sl itl! Have funl. xxx
lol waterboatman x
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I've got to go too. Have a happy day zzxxee. xxxxx
ok bye for now wbm will chat to you on fb tommorow byeeeeeeeeeeeee x
Morning wbm and all

Halfway through the week already and getting dark at night early especially with the weather the way it is. It be Xxxx before we know it.
Have a good day
hi the other half x
Morning wbm and all!

Very overcast here in London but hot!

Any news of Dr Filth???
morning all, warm here but overcast and showery not a very good outlook for the rest of the day
Morning all. Overcast and chilly here. x

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Good morning early birds!

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