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Ever felt 'got at' ?

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Bbbananas | 07:00 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
Well, I come back from a rather unpleasant & malodourous attack of The Lenin's - and I find that so-called friends on here have took the opportunity to bombard my FB wall with Pictures From Hell....

I am now all bilious again & need another lie down. My worry yesterday was how not to pebbledash my walls, now my FB wall is pebbledashed with....those THINGS.
Evil People. :-(


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thats what the squits are then a bottom blister that bursts !!!!!
ginger Vibra aboot,,,arhhh Bless his little Morph x
Have any of you ever been out anywhere when you've had a bit of a jippy tummy, and KNOW that you're not gonna be able to clamp your muscles in to the nearest you have to improvise?

..........Happened to me in Mallorca earlier this year, after a curry night in Palma...on the way home to our hotel in Alcudia........had to stop and do it in some farmers field( at least i think it was a farmer's field.......could have been his garden for all i know)...piggin' dogs barking.......pitch black as no street lighting....had limited tissues so used an old rag i found in the boot of the hire car.......the people i was with laughed their guts out and i'm made to remember this quite a lot.

If you gotta go, you gotta go :0)
arrrhhh, thanks for sharing that yogi pet...:-o)
i have a great poo story but only my nearest and dearest know way to embaressing to tell ha ha !!!!

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Ever felt 'got at' ?

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