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Does anyone fancy a pina colada?

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Bbbananas | 14:00 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
On ice?


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Have you got a bucketful?
nope can i have a mojito instead
Question Author
Please don't mention the word bucket - vibes will be in there like a shot >>>>
No thanks salla............I've got a large glass of chilled white I'm having with my crab salad.....
Apple Martini for me, please. x
I'll have a frozen margarita please.
-- answer removed --
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You're a fussy bloody lot.
Look - the offer was of a pina colada (job lot, expiry date August 2009). It's that or nowt.
Never had one - what does it taste like (:0 (
Ewwwww no.... I'm going to steal craft's glass when she's not looking instead.

Orthopaedic letters are so dull and dreary... I'm never offering to 'help' again.
No thank you. It looks like Elephant semen.
And this is something you're familiar with is it Mcmouse?
Be careful Salla, another view might be along shortly to mark you down for posting one of those threads he has issues with
Never accept a drink from a urologist.
Or an andrologist. Especially if it's a pina colada.
Question Author
If another-view wants a pina colada, I'll give him one.
......and a pina colada?

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Does anyone fancy a pina colada?

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