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iPhone sync problems

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katieb73 | 20:38 Thu 15th Jul 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi, my hubs and I both have iPhones, we had to create two iTunes accounts but now having probe syncing contacts etc. There is so much we don't know can anyone recommend a good site/ reference book. TIA x


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Are you running iTunes on Windows or MacOS?
I would guess Windows. I am on a Mac and we run two different iPhones, with different email set ups on the iphone. No need for separate iTune accounts.
you could try sharepod or copytrans dont need itunes (only the apple drivers) and both are portable apps so they dont install on your pc.

hope this helps, not having 2 ipods in the house i cant confirm or deny wether these will work. But they keep mine working well enough :)
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We are on Windows 7, my son created a new user on the comp for his ipod, therefore using itunes separately. My hubs and I use the same, when I tried to create a new user for me, it wouldn't back up the iphone. I deleted a lot of my hubs contacts from my phone thinking they would stay on his, but they disappeared, much to his annoyance....

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iPhone sync problems

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