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Connemmara | 09:42 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
What does one do now they are retired - break up this word and it becomes re- tired - you seem to more be tired and unenthusiastic.

I would love to belong to a club but find these clubs Cliquey - also I dont like bowls - balls dont do it for me. I do a bit of typing for a sick friend and am drinkingtoo much methinks (nothing to do) - oh I do take the dog for a walk but Oh God is there nothing more to life than that. Sorry for the moan


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cazz................oooooh! you might fool some people, but not sqad ;-)
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joggerjayne - that is why I asked for your all advice for the good running shoes as I aim to start slowly but surely at the gym again thanks for your advice.
yes jayne, I also agree with your sentiments about the artificial atmosphere, you see that a lot at "meeting people" social events. There is too much pressure for the people concerned to be perfect and hook up with a group of friends.

in my opinion that is why we make friends at work because there is no pressure to make friends, just get the job done, the friendships become a secondary issue therefore the pressure is off. I have never set out to make friends anywhere yet have made a lot of friends indirectly.
have to agree somewhat with squad.
as well as having the time to do the things you enjoy, you also have to learn to do nothing and enjoy that too without feeling as if you have to fill every minute of the day or class yourself as a failure.
if you like a bit of structure to your week, do some things on a regular day, but for the rest of the time just go with the flow. we rarely go over the doorstep at the week-end but do stuff in the house and garden, and always have a special meal on a saturday evening if we're not going out somewhere. during the week we have things we do on regular days (volunteering on tuesday, a day out on a thursday with picnic regardless of weather) and the rest of the week fits around that. we see friends, treat ourselves to lunch out, catch up on paperwork, i paint and he plays on his playstation, something usually crops up unexpectedly.......and so it goes on.
if you really feel you need more, you have to make a real effort to get out there and do stuff, things aren't going to just come to you, you have to make things happen.

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