I was reading the thread about retiring, I wish I could retire, (It's Doc's fault he makes it sound like perfection) I worked 46 hours last week, most of them were spent physically moving entire shop floor departments around and stock moves. Very tiring, I'm almost 55 and I have been working since I was 16 full time (apart from a 6 year gap after the children and then I did 3 years part-time). When I have a week off at home there is so much to do! If I make it to 65 and finish work then I will, hope they don't change the retirement age !!! I'll have been working nearly 50 years and that's enough as you only need 30ishh for a pension anyway!
I think it means me in that the other side of the grass seems greener - meaning I am so better off being retired particularly of the way DocHawkes has to so hard and indeed up until 65
Sorry dothawkes I was going to make a joke about me having rushed over to your thread thinking it was a lawn related issue only to be disappointed. But I think Ill refrain and apologize. A poor joke on my part.
dot, although you have (quite!) a few years on me, I know how you feel. I've worked full time since I was 16, apart from 2 very short breaks when I had the kids, and 1 longer "break" to care for my ex who was seriously ill. my work isn't physical but it can be very stressful.
I don't want to wish it away, but I could do with a very long break.