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well its back to the grindstone tomorrow.....

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stokemaveric | 22:50 Sun 18th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hope you all have a good nights kip...and wake up with a spring in your step in the morning.....


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Just finished a late shift and i am now off for 2 weeks..
Question Author
nice 1 poodicat....hope you have a great 2 weeks off....
Thanks stoke,have meds training one day though,and a staff meeting my choice to go to both
Goodnight stoke, I'm going to bed too, and goodnght poodi as well.
Night amgx
Question Author
thats what i call dedication poodi lol....goodnight ayg sweet dreams....of plenty of winners lol...

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well its back to the grindstone tomorrow.....

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