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if you could change 1 think about the world.....

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stokemaveric | 14:45 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
what would you change????


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British weather.
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1 thing that should read lol........
I'd move Britain about 500 miles south.
I would ban religion - it's caused more wars than anything
The state of my bank account
I'd like people to realise lifeis too short to waste energy and resources on fighting at any level from individually to internationally
No-one thinking they're better than someone else just cos they have more money....
Golly, i feel all selfish about mine now after reading other peoples, so with that in mind i'd like to change mine to errr, ahhhh, mmmm, oh sod it, no, I still want my bank account to be better!
Salla, you've just reminded me of a Harry Enfield character
that's okay, B00, I'll wish for world peace and you can have the bank account wish.
its ok Boo i want my bank account to stop laughing at me
that nasty shirt shirt the mrs got me from Matalan.
mick just spill something on it that won;t come out
thanks joe.
"luck. luck. luck. luck......................"
Salla, I didn't actually mean YOU reminded me of the character, just your post
i won't be able to spill anything on it mcFluff, i won't ever be wearing it
Not a single thing Dave - I wouldn't want the responsibilty.
I live the life I have been given, for as long as it given (:-))
No more violent incidents like this:-


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if you could change 1 think about the world.....

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