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benny3008 | 17:44 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
do you consider the afternoon to be over and the evening begun?


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5PM when I open the first bottle
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I was waiting for the first drink related answer. lol
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ohh let me think .. erm about 5.30eth ish benny
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so 6:00 then headwreck?
5 p.m.

If I'm at work then I have to change the greeting from "Good afternoon" to "Good evening"
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5:30eth? i think in between 5 and 6eth, depending on the time of year.
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I hate the greeting on the phone at work, i always forget what time of day it is, its generally about 6 in the evening and i say 'good morning' :-/
yes, you could be righteth, i agreeth with you there me thinketh.
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6pm. Stop work and prepare dinner.
Question Author
I'll be surprised if someone from little old Hereford wants to book a table in west california! lol something makes me think they would have called the wrong number!
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