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My turn for nonsense

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B00 | 15:45 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
My daughter's favourite poem, and I laugh my socks off each time I hear it too, I'm easily pleased...

Algy met a bear
The bear met Algy
The bear was bulgy
The bulge was Algy.

C'mon, admit it, you smiled, didn't you?


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good point missn
Ode Tae a Bumble Bee by Stuart McLean

Wee hoverin’, fleein’ ferlie fello’,
Wi’ yer stripes o’ black and yello’,
Yer ever sae bonnie, so ye ur,
Like a spring lamb – only smaller and withoot the fur,
But see if ye ever sting me oan the bum again,
Ah’m gonnae jump on yer heid so Ah um.
I know Marval's version of the Fuzzy Wuzzy poem.
The Algy poem took me back, B00, a long time since I heard it, I had forgotten it...and I love the bumble bee one, my Scottish in-laws will appreciate that.
Ooey Gooey was a worm,
A big fat worm was he.
He sat upon a railway track,
A train he did not see.
The train came roaring round the bend,
The driver gave a squeal,
The guard got out his pocket knife,
And scraped him off the wheel.
Ooey Gooey!
I remember the Algy poem,and FuzzyWuzzy -marvals version-was my own fav as a child.
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Lovin' the Ooey Gooey one! That's ace!
Always loved this one,from a nonsense book;-)
Mary Pugh was nearly 2
When she went out of doors.
She went out standing up she did,
But came back on all fours.
The moral of this story,
Please meditate,and pause,
Never send a baby out
With loosely waisted drawers!

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