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Should I retire disgracefully (to bed)

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Bobbisox | 22:29 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
or stay for the ride?...:-0)


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Well they will be disappointed if they are looking for alcohol NoM - I have been exemplary this week (C of E last week mind). Just ongoing heart tests.
Well I hope everything turns out well. x
Question Author
and the morra sis????
get that bloody Brandy ready,.,,lol
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you let me know...hear?
You mind you don't spill any of that drink tonight Bobbi ♥
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I have me bib case y'know?
Thanks NoM - I am sure all will be well, I wish to continue my stalking of Bobbi, Lardy, Boxy and Gran to name but the most usual of suspects! Speak to you tmrw Bobbi. Brandy at 0930 a.m. the very idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will settle for the coffee pot ♥
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aww Good Luck my friend, I will be in touch ♥♥♥
All the best for tomorrow ttfn, don't growl at the blood-takers, they must be used to hungry people with low blood sugards being the first patients through the door :-)
My blood sugars are always low boxy - never, never have breakfast (disgusting time of the day to contemplate food!) They are a lovely bunch of vampires - their collective name is a phial of phlebotomists don't ya know. My veins are for ever open to them! Cheers mate ♥
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theres some mighty fine words in there my love...;o)
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Goodnight all ♥
sweet dreams Bobbi ttfn ♥
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you and yours my friend ♥♥
I;m watching Question Time, then I shall go to bed myself. Nite all ☺
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so will I !
Sweert dreams to you too boxy (you'll need them after Dimbleby!) ttfn ♥
Good night Bobbi, I've really enjoyed the other thread
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me too paddy, nite, nite ♥

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Should I retire disgracefully (to bed)

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