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Oi, numbnuts...

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NoMercy | 14:42 Fri 23rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I'm talking to you.


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shove off
not me then I don't have them nutty things , numb or otherwise x
Question Author
Mick.. instant recognition. Well done.
pmsl...that's one of my expressions........
Question Author
That's what I used to call the leccy in Spain. Did he ever put the power points where I told him to?? Did he heck as like.
afternoon, how are you?
Question Author
I'm wonderful, fluffy. How are you, chick?
Oi NM . you not talking to me no more babes?
Question Author
Sorry, Bobbi. I was distracted by a text message. x x x x x x
no worries hun, a bit of fun, thats all
glad you feel opk :o-)
OooooooooooooHHHHHHHHHHH charming I must say
Question Author
Awww... sorry anyway. Nan's cooking her chicken escalops and just set off the smoke alarm.

lol... I knew Mick would realise this thread was for him...
not bad!
I think we all did
has he been tangoed?
Question Author
He's got the mother of all comb-overs at the moment, Bobbi. I'm going to need to take a cold shower... phwoarrrrrr....

Fluffy... you off out this weekend?
after work tonight bnut otherwise nothing planned - you? (celebrations in order me thinks)
Question Author
Did he text you?

yup, well chuffed for him!
Question Author
It's made my day, Fluffy.

I'm still waiting for the other "good news"... whatever that is. :-)
ooooooo :-0

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Oi, numbnuts...

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