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stokemaveric | 20:54 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
sorry folks ive been wanting to do that all day.......


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nice to see you keeping so cheerful Dave ♥
oww.. my lug hole.
What you do in your private life is nothing to do with us!
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I thought you had tonsilitis or something.
nice pic lardhelmet..
Question Author
lol yes thank you snags....its been 1 of those days stuck on the m6 for hours which made me late for an appointment in blackburn,then the giy i was meeting cancelled anyway,and then to top it all on the way back i had a flat tyre...what a day....
Thank you cazzz - had it cut last night. Cool init?
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glad you had my tip headwreck....
some giys just don't care do they? Still at least the other 3 tyres were ok (;-))
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^ presume you don't drive a reliant?
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lol ttfn...see my spelling is all to
Question Author
never mind headwreck tomorrow is another day eh??? a robin reliant ttfn??? do me a favour i swapped that for an hilman imp the other week lol.....
You are forgiven my dear - but in truth it wasn't so bad if you can come on here and make us smile with you
its certainly different :o
Question Author
thanks ttfn i always like to come on here you lot are a good antodote for a bad
Question Author
antodote???? lol i mean day just gets worse lol

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