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after my bad day im just going to relax in a nice radox bath.....

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stokemaveric | 21:06 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
anyone want to scrub my back????lol....


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Don't forget the candles!
To be honest, I'd rather be stuck on the M6 for hours, miss an important meeting and then get a flat tyre...
enjoy stoke! Enjoy!...............Hope you're ok...................welsh
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not even a quick scrub snags???? lol.....nearly forgot about the candles benny lol
Only if you've you got a really big loofah
radox gives me the jibbers
Your not supposed to baste your steaks in it...
^ You're
I'm not going to look for the soap if you drop it, but I've got a nice big sponge. Quite good action as well if I may say so. Just relax and think of the karate kid.
Have a huge glass of wine whilst you're soaking, Stokey.
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lol snags btw my pork casserole went down a treat with mrsm..hey wels i never did get your e mail address so i could send you some oatcakes x
Question Author
lol ayg sounds lovely and nm im going to do just that catch you all later.....
I'm glad Mrs s & m loved your casserole stoke. You don;t need to tell us what you had for dessert!
no worries stoke my friend, not worried about the oatcakes! going to staffs in a week or ttwo, so will stock up then, but thanks so much for the offer! May take you up on it at a later date!............................
I'd willingly scrub it for you but my arms aint long enough. [:o(

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after my bad day im just going to relax in a nice radox bath.....

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