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Finishing work in a minute........

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bobjugs12 | 12:44 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers if I suddenly disappear y'all know why.

Love NoMer...ahh sorry...Bobjugs


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You're more than welcome steg x
they normally get banned steg, I think creating a new name to be abusive is cowardly, the ability to have a dig without any recourse. classy...not
cheers ummmm, can't make it today tho', the steggess is back from Zante today
I have to go :-(

Little ummmm wants the internet.....

Luckily they have got rid of our stats...

-answer removed-

Going to watch a street 1 and 2....

Laterzzzzzzzz xx
green streets is really good, 2 not so imo. bye ummmm x
Have a good afternoon ummmm
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Oh i hope my new best friend doesn't get banned. I like him/her. He reminds me of an old fashioned village idiot. malice, will you be my friend for ever and ever. We can take walks together and i can constantly amuse myself by laughing at your general retardation. Have you got much military experience? Do you understand about the complexity of my job, and the fact that in the few remaining days in this uniform it's not really worth me starting any new projects. Do you understand the term empty intray? Basically my little cherub, i'm not working as i have no work. But, never let the facts get in the way of a good rant.

Ps the RAF also pay me an obscenely big wage :) love you x x x
lol bob
bobjugs is AB's Biggles
i havent been on for a while !!!! this is a good thread to come on for lol
Blimey... what have I been missing today?

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Finishing work in a minute........

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