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Fao Sqad.

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NoMercy | 05:29 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
Hi Sqad. I don't have a question for you, but just wanted to say thank you for all the good advice you give on here. Your medical knowledge and good advice has put many a mind at ease and this site would be the poorer for not having you. I know you've crossed swords with many people in the past, and I tend not to get involved, but credit where credit's due.... I just thought you deserved a big thank you for all the help you've given over the time you've been a member of this site.

Caroline x


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Sqad. I can only agree with NM. You have indeed given sound advice and comfort to many. I am always pleased when you decide to drop in on the morning thread.
You know how I feel about you .... there are too few good people on this planet
Blimey.............thanks very much.
I must say that I do prefer my "bad boy" image.....or "sex icon"..........;-)
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Does Mrs. Sqad know how lucky she is? ;-)
sqad, you're not blushing are you!? :-)
If a quarter of what he says is true mrs Sqad and the mistress both do...
NoM...I "force" her to tell me daily...............on her bended knees.
rowan......just noticed your Avatar.........fabulous...........really fabulous.
Thank you There's something darkly erotic about it I thought
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She must feel like the luckiest women in the universe. lol
why is it that Squad and darkly erotic seem to go together so well
No problem if they are one and the same. ;-)
rowan...well she in her slip or is it an evening dress?
Anyway it looks as though redman is going to slip of that strap..........lucky guy.
just wish I looked that beautiful... now be good I've got a pile of ironing catch up later XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
This is Mrs Squad, good morning. Yes I am lucky being married to a lovely man. I am
the opposite to him, rather dippy la la in fact. Still it seems to work. He loves talking
about the people he has met on the site. Thank you for all the nice comments.
Hi there Mrs Sqad and to think I may have crossed paths with Mr Squad when I too as he knows worked at the General Hospital as it was called then in Nottingham.
wendilla......LOL I have just shouted your post through to her as she is in the kitchen ironing.........she laughed.

I had a flat in the Ropewalk.............pity we didn´t meet up ;-)
well well well.. I thought this was the kind of thread that Sqad would have hated!

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Fao Sqad.

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