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FAO Bobjugs.

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NoMercy | 17:35 Sun 01st Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Hey babe... my phone is dead as a fart.

I was just reading my texts when my phone died. I'll charge it and call you when I get back to Hereford.


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Ok baby, thought it had.

How's you anyway? Finished packing yet?
PS Do farts actually die?? I thought, as just an inanimate expulsion of noxious gas, it would not be classed as a living organism, therefore impossible to be classed as deceased. Maybe i'm wrong though. Oh well, you live and learn
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Almost. Just had a sneezing fit from all the dust. lol

You missing me? lol
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You still round your Bro's? Have you been drinking?

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FAO Bobjugs.

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