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fao joggerjayne....

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stokemaveric | 13:14 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
hows the new brighton and hove football stadium coming along??


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We should be in there by next season ... Yaayy !

The best season ticket seats will go to existing holders, so we might have to buy season tickets this year.

We want to make sure we get seats with the "real fans" ... the ones who make all the noise ... not in the family enclosure, LOL.
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lol glad its coming along well we might meet you in the fa cup or someting next season,that would be fun lol...
You'd like it here. It's jolly.

Although ... I'm not sure what the pub arrangements are going to be at the new ground. We're really going to miss The Sportsman.
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imk sure we could find somewhere to lubricate our vocal chords before the game jj lol...
T2 and I would treat you to lunch.
Question Author
now that sounds like a great offer thanks jj xx roll on the fa cup draws lol

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fao joggerjayne....

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