I have a real problem with a blanket ban on wearing a piece of clothing. I have real problems with the idea of criminalising women over an article of clothing. I have real problems with the idea of the police wasting their time, and taxpayers money, on arresting, escorting, charging and releasing such women.
I also have a real problem with the Niqab/Burka. I agree that in some cases at least, it is likely the women wearing them have been forced or conditioned into wearing them by mysoginistic, outdated, patriacharcal systems. Nor can they claim a religious duty, since as far as I am aware, all that some religious texts suggest is to dress modestly.It seems to me that as a country of the free,introducing a law to criminalise women over what clothes they wear is a retrograde and hugely illiberal move.
I think that, rather than criminalising the wearing of such clothing, it would be far better to make it a legal requirement ,with no right of appeal on either religious or cultural grounds, that you have to show your face when engaging in activities that demand extensive conversation, such as seeing a bank manager, or your health professional, or teaching a class, or that require ID confirmation, like presenting a passport, or CCTV cameras in banks etc.