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Ladies thoughts please....

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carrust | 13:10 Thu 05th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Ladies. If you were single/separated/divorced & lived alone, & you had a man round to do some work for you. Would you make sure you got dressed in a morning before he came into your house, & not gallivant round in your nightie.
On leaving for work would you hang all your underwear on the whirlygig dryer in front of the back door?


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I just realised - I don't ALWAYS sleep naked. Camping in Scotland when the temperatures are near zero means I have leggings, socks, wooly hat, t shirt, hoody. That's my best sex kitten look.
only if I was muscular and fearsome ;)
Hey.... it beats my sexy look hands down.... ;0)
I don't usually wear anything to bed, but ...

If it's cold, I'll sleep in a top. I can't sleep with anything on the bottom. I hate things getting twisted round my legs.

And I sometimes sleep with a pony, so I don't get a mouthful of hair in the night.
Reminds me of a film I saw once...
I have long hair but I couldnt sleep with my hair tied up it would annoy the heck out of me
When I lived on my own any workmen had to take me as they found me - I like my bed too much to be worrying about getting up and ready for them, so if they arrived early then I answered the door in whatever I'd been wearing to bed the night before and any sort of laundry situation was purely for practical reasons and not for show (if underwear was hanging up it was to dry it not to show the gasman). If any worker ever misconstrued my intentions I really couldn't give a flying fluff, they were there to do a job and that was that.
JJ you sleep wit... nope not biting
I'm much the same as Karen. Mind you my night attire would turn people off rather than on - I don't go in for glamorous stuff!

If people turn up at my house uninvited or unexpectedly then they just have to put up with what they see. I love slumming around at home. It's the only place I can just be me!!

JJ, like you, I can't sleep with things around or on my legs, including socks!!
I would just answer or greet as i was.I dont get showered and changed until I feel ready for it -sometimes late afternoon.My only conscession is to re pony my hair.
I just lash whatever needs dried on the line.
I am one of the boys type of person so no-one who met me would even feel they were being seduced,
If I hadn't got dressed then I would make sure I had a robe or kaftan on, not in my nightie, no way - I would preferably be dressed before they arrive. As for the washing, yes, my washing goes out no matter who sees it. My grandma used to say "if they're a gentleman, they won't look, and if they're not, they'll like it" - wise old bird, my grandma.
O I always have my dressing gown on if its a long term slouch :)

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