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Nothing cooperative about this.

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anotheoldgit | 13:48 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | News
40 Answers

Absolutely disgusting, everyone in that area should boycott that co-op.

I have seen yobs stripped to the waist shopping and being served.

I have seen care-workers and nurses in uniform shopping and being served.

Policemen, Firemen etc etc.

And to be topical even women wearing Burkas.


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That's what sort of happened to me when they refused to serve me alcohol because I had my 17 year old daughter with me. It was pretty clear that I was food shopping considering the contents of the conveyor belt. I called over a member of staff that new me...who called the teenager that was in charge. Who backed up the man who should have been retired at the check out....suffice to say...I was not happy.

I wouldn't have minded as much if my daughter was dolled up...but she had her hair pulled makeup and was weraing her PJ's...
I'd have bitten her finger off! I can't stand people in my personal space uninvited! Well ok, I wouldn't have bitten her finger of... but I probably would have been fired on the spot lol
What a 'padded out' story though. Why did it need to include anything about what this soldier had been bravely doing in Afghanistan? I think there is probably more than meets the eye to this. Perhaps the soldier had been drinking and was offensive in some way.
I can understand the age thing Boo as you were actually enforcing the law.....
I hate people like that as well. I threatened to break my friends finger if she pointed it at me again. She's a really 'in ya face' kind of person....I'm not. I can argue with you without invading your space.
Well in all fairness Lottie, even though im thick, even i can tell the difference between a 17 year old and an 80 year old lady (your age- right?)

But pretty much yeah, if ive refused someone as i believe them to be underage,my manager will stand by my decision.
I just get 'the look' (as my sister and friends describe it) when someone's really getting on my tits and it's suprising how many people back right off. I think I inherited it from my terribly sociable and outgong father. I wouldn't mind but I'm actually a very placid person, not sure where this 'look' comes from...
I was trying to find a similar example craft, though i admit it's kinda poor.

The point i was trying to make (badly) was that usually a manager will uphold the decision made by their member of staff. It just looks like it was the case here too. Again, we can only guess why the checkout girl refused to make the sale in the first place.
Read it for gods sake its another none story - One person made an error thats it, its not right but it was one person.

AOG you have been in THAT Co-op and seen these people being served?
Exactly Dave. Something out of nothing.
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That was no intelligent contribution you made.

For your information, of course I read it to the end.

Are you naive enough not to think that perhaps the Co-Op spokesman would say that, just to get out of a tricky situation?

Enough to say that a minor member of staff made the refusal, and was later backed by the manager.

The Co-Op should discipline their staff, and then make a formal apology to the soldier along with a substantial compensation settlement, for the embarrassment caused.
Poor staff training. Obviously confused about this law.

84 Offences in relation to constables
If a licence-holder or his employee or agent—
(a)knowingly suffers to remain in his premises any constable during any part of the time appointed for the constable’s being on duty, except for the purpose of the execution of the constable’s duty; or
(b)knowingly supplies any liquor or refreshment, whether by way of a gift or sale to any constable on duty, except by authority of a superior officer of the constable;
the licence-holder, employee or agent, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence.
Oh give over AOG, rofl. Substantial compensation? He probably was annoyed, maybe even peed off at the time, but hardly anything that requires compo. I'm sure a trip to Tesco or Asda afterwards helped ease the situation.
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Ok then, I know you all want me to say it, and you yourselves want to say it but haven't the guts, and I include the Daily Mail in this.

Perhaps the checkout girl refused to serve the soldier because she was Muslim, and he was just back from killing her fellow Muslims.

If she had been wearing a Burka to boot, then perhaps he could have got in first and refuse to be served by her?

That makes for a much better story, and more ammunition for you to have a go at me.
What possible grounds could they have for refusing to serve him?
A Co-op spokeswoman said the company had apologised to Sapper Walls and the incident on July 17 had been a “genuine mistake on the part of our two members of staff” who got confused about a former company policy that alcohol should not be served to police officers in uniform.
^ S'what I said............:o)

AOG - regardless of your suppositions, you know no more about the story than is written and anything you have inferred from it has been coloured by your own prejudices.
///it has been coloured by your own prejudices. ///

I'm sure aog doesn't have any prejudices - coloured or otherwise

///and you yourselves want to say it but haven't the guts

Perhaps the checkout girl refused to serve the soldier because she was Muslim, and he was just back from killing her fellow Muslims. ///

aog. I mean this in all good faith; It really would be better for you and everyone else if you wised up to the fact that the rest of us didn't say this, not because we lack guts, but because we lack your perverted model of the world, so this particular imagined scenario of yours never occurred to us.
you're promoting the compensation culture now, are you, aog? Fancy.

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