Are dragonflies a bit argh? Would a bird be better, i have a viney type scene turning into a half sleeve (eventually on my upper arm). So far it is viney roses a couple of butterflies and the boys names! Can't leave it too long, if anyone knows of any GOOD sites that will give me some ideas. The first part was designed specifically for me, but as it is getting big, would love it to look right.
They are very much a personal preference, I can't personally understand why anyone should want a permanent mark on their body like this - each to their own, and if you want a dragonfly, you have a dragonfly, but I just wouldn't want something on my skin which will be there for ever and ever.
lol I don't think I'd go for a squirrel.............dragonfly sounds nice. I have a flying unicorn which is quite pretty, as it's in blue, pink, and gold.
Sorry to be the voice of doom here, but please think ahead to the future.
There is a grandma I see at the school gates daily - i have known her for years. She had a sweet dolphin tattooed on her upper arm some years ago.
As she has aged and wrinkled, so has the dolphin. It's mouth is in a crease on her arm and looks as though it wears dentures & someone has yanked them out.