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Man on EE tonight

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sherrardk | 20:59 Tue 10th Aug 2010 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Who's the man on EastEnders who wants to buy the Queen Vic - he looks really familiar but I have no idea what his name is. Thanks


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His Name's Peter Blake - been in all sorts of sitcoms and serials/soaps.
I recognise him as Kirk the loner in Dear John
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Thanks all - especially 4get - that's where I remember him from too.
my gawd he's been in everything!!! he seemd familiar but couldn't have named him. Do you reckon he;s actually acting for alfie moon and kat?
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Nice twist Dotty - but I thought he was from a brewery.
no i think lisas set peggy up. as soon as i saw pic i knew it was kirk. I loved that programme 'deeeeaar joooohn do do do do do do, life goes oooon do do do do do do' :-)
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But it's not Peggy's pub - it's Roxy's (isn't it?).
Alfie and Kat are taking the pub over soon though after it burns down

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Man on EE tonight

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