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auditt | 15:18 Sat 03rd Sep 2005 | Film, Media & TV
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For some daft reason, I did not set the VCR to the correct finishing time for the last bank holiday monday's film 'ROADKILL.'

The tape stopped recording at the part when they had picked up the female college friend and were in a bar slamming tequillea's down their throats..I know I am a touch sad for wanting to know what happened, but it seemed a good film and I was really getting into it..Anyway I would appriciate a round up of what happened next........................

Thank you....Kind regards..AudiTT...xx.



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Havent seen it for a while but if my memory serves me well then:

They get chased around for a while by the truck and the girl is kidknapped and held captive in a motel room linked up 2 a boobytrap (if they open the door a shotgun will go off and shoot her, there mite also be a bomb but i may be mistaken) anywho, they girl is rescued and the badman is killed and they all live happily ever after....or so it seems until we hear rusty nails (the evil truck drivers) voice over the cb radio...cue Roadkill 2: Rustys Revenge Mwahahahahahahahahahah!!!!

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